International Week

International Week Photo Competition

The iWeek Photo Competition for 2025 has not yet begun. Please return soon to view updates.

A photo is worth 1000 words, and this year the International Week 2025 Photo Competitionis a great way to share your international experience as a student at Mason! Please submit up to one photo per category. Amazon Money Prizes will be given to the first and second-place winners in each category ($75 and $25 respectively). The top two winners in each category will have their photos displayed on our social media and website!  

We understand that traveling has been challenging in the past couple of years, but do not believe travel is necessary to answer the prompts below and look forward to seeing your experience, wherever you may be right now in our Mason Nation!  

Photo Categories:

  1. My Mason Story:What is your most memorable experience at George Mason University? Photos submitted should showcase what it means to you to be an international student at George Mason University.(International Students Only)  
  2. My Hometown Pride:Photos submitted should represent something that you have brought with you here to Mason from your local hometown or culture and how it connects to you (Open to All Students)  
  3. This is America: What photo encapsulates America? Photos submitted should showcase an American value, location, or experience through the eyes of an international student. (International Students Only)  
  4. The Future Ahead:How has 2024-2025 inspired you? Photos submitted should demonstrate how you are going to personally change for the better, or your dream of creating a better world.(Open to All Students) 

Participation Criteria:

  • Only current international students (F-1 or J-1 visas) at Mason may participate in the first and third category (My Mason Story and This is America).
  • Current Mason students of any academic level can participate in categories 2-4.
  • Photos should have been taken in the last 3 years (2022 - 2025). 
  • Each submission must include the photo, a title, the date taken, the location taken, and the caption (100 words max).
  • Please save each photo entry as “Category_YourFirstname_YourLastname"
  • Only one entry per category, per person.
  • Photos will be judged by the following:
    • 1. How well the photo answers the prompt. '
    • 2. image quality and technical aspects.
    • 3. Creativity and originality.
    • 4. 'WOW" factor!
  • All entries must have been taken by the submitter who is a current student at Mason. Participants should not be in the photo unless it was also taken by the participant (i.e., selfie).

Submission Deadline:

The Deadline to submit all photos is Monday, March 24, 2025 at 11:59 pm. If you have any questions about your submission, please email The winning photos will be showcased during our iWeekTour Around the World Event on April 2nd, 2025, and the International Dance Competition on April 3rd, 2025! Submit your entry HERE! 


Answer the following questions:

  • Are you a current student enrolled at Mason? (Domestic or International)
  • Have you reviewed the four photo categories?
  • Have you selected your photo(s)?

If you answered yes to all questions, then you are ready to submit your photos! Follow the link below to get started. Please note that you will have to sign in with your Mason username and password to access the form.

International Photo Competition Submission Form

An image from the international week photo competition by a student named Afzar Khan.
An image from the international week photo competition by a student named Nitish Reddy Mannem.
An image from the international week photo competition of a girl by a student named Bhavya Sree Pannem.
An image from the international week photo competition by a student named Armaan Sahoo.
An image from the international week photo competition of canyons by a student named Gargi Sontakke.
An image from the international week photo competition of sunset by a student anmed Amaljith Kuttamath.
An image from the international week photo competition by a student named Amaljith Kuttamath.
An image from the international week photo competition of a women by a student named Sravya.