Virtual iWeek 2020

The International Week 2020 Committee was sad to have our 39th iWeek at Mason canceled due to the University closure! It was a lot of months of preparation and hard work for this big celebration and we are extremely grateful for everyone who was involved in the planning process with us. Our committee still wanted to honor iWeek and celebrate Mason’s International communities and their cultural diversity. With that being said, we are very excited to share with you virtually our passive International Week 2020 schedule (March 30th – April 3rd)!

The virtual/passive events are the following:

  • Monday, March 30: #MasonMemory – Share a favorite iWeek or Mason memory with us. Make sure to use  #MasonMemory & tag us! (@masonoips @into_mason @masonpatriots)
  • Tuesday, March 31: Represent Your Culture –Post a picture with your flag or any traditional cultural attire. Don’t forget to tag us! (@masonoips @into_mason @masonpatriots)
  • Wednesday, April 1: iWeek Virtual Lounge – Stay connected with your peers virtually! Interact with one another & make new friends. (2:00 PM-3:00 PM –
  • Thursday, April 2: iWeek Dance Competition #TBT – Check out some of our favorite iWeek 2018 dance competition performances! (@masonoips @into_mason @masonpatriots)
  • Friday, April 3: Global Kiosk Day – Explore opportunities to help with your global learning and cultural experiences at Mason! (@masonoips @into_mason @masonpatriots)

International Week is one of the most colorful and energetic times on campus and though we are not able to offer the physical events for our students, we are very excited to be providing our students with this virtual option. We will see you next year as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of iWeek at Mason! 

On behalf of the iWeek 2020 Committee,

Jonathan Carmona – International Programs and Services (
Jessica Biddle – INTO Mason (
Ayleen Leonhardt – Student Involvement (